Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bitching is Pointless!

By "bitching" i mean saying "bad things" about someone behind their back. Everyone does it even those so called "adults" who say that they have grown out of "such childish behaviour" but their lying!!!!
I suppose the world would be boring with out gossip or "bitching" seeing as girls LIVE for gossip! Some girls want to be the subject of gossip and even bitching because it makes them feel important and when their not the centre of attention they "lash out" by doing something completely out of character just so they'll be back in every ones thoughts and the subject of bitching sessions. But all this kind of girl gets is hurt. I mean would you like being talk about behind your back and bad things too. My friend...lets call her always getting new boyfriends off the Internet and bebo and different chat rooms, which is VERY dangerous! You never know what kind of pedos and old perverted men go on those site! Anyway last year this is what C would always do, she'd find a boyfriend "go out" with him for about a week then find someone else who doesn't have such a gigantic green spot on his nose and "go out" with him instead. All these guys that she "went out with" were so ugly and desperate they'd go out with anyone and i guess so would she seeing as she agreed to "go out" with them.
Until the end of last year she started going out with a real guy who goes to our school, he was a real grease ball and still is, in fact his hair is so greasy you could cook french fries in it! So she went out with him and would do anything he asked her, when i say anything i mean anything! and she'd make up rumours about how he got her pregnant and all this other crap about sleeping with another guy and that "it might be his baby!" Which was total crap cause she has never done the "dirty deed" and if she had i would feel really sorry for her because her boyfriend is just so gross and no one would ever do him unless they were desperate, well i guess she is desperate but still i don't think she'd have the guts to do it. She can make up rumours, talk to rando guys on the street but she could never do that.
Anyway she was his girlfriend and became much more confident. Then this year she decides that shes had enough of guys or rather has been out with every desperate guy in the world and there are none left for her to "cling to" so she decides that shes bi! Yes i said BI! But i think she decided that she can't go through with it even though all the celebrities like Lindsey Lohan are all going bi, it was too much for her so she just went back to guys. LOL
The point is she made this being bi thing up so that we would all talk about how stupid she is and it worked! She got what she wanted not that she knows that she did because of course we wouldn't talk about her while shes anywhere near us, she may be stupid but we aren't...usually!
Ok Ive gone completely off topic! Gossip is pointless because it weakens you. When you talk to someone about someone else, that person has power over you. They could tell the person the gossip is about, then that person could become upset with you and turn others against you, so you end up more hurt then the person you were talking about! Its so pointless yet everyone does it and everyone gets hurt, its an addiction and no boy, girl or adult can over come it. I admit some people are worse then others, but does it matter who bitch's the most because once you do it your just like everyone else, and that's not a bad thing like i said the world would be boring without gossip. If you make up rumours to cause people to talk about you and then they find out your lying the one you confided in will not be happy and you could potentially loose a friend. Especially if you keep doing it like C, its the boy who cried wolf all over again, when something actually does happen no one will believe you.


nikki♥♥ said...

ahhh i think i knw who you're talking about.
took me a while at first
but yes i agree with ur theory of gossip/bitching.

red rose♥♥ said...

LOL im glad someone does!