Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finally Sorted

Yesterday I decided I'd had enough, the whole sleepover/movie day was getting way too confusing so i called Lauren to finally sort out what was happening on Thursday. But their was one problem Sarah! Sarah thinks that the whole world revolves around her and that we have to change our plans to satisfy her.
Shes busy in the evening on Thursday and has to be home by 6.30pm. So me and Lauren organised to meet with Sarah and sort out the whole issue.
In the end we decided that we would watch the movie at 4.00 and then take the bus to the mall, from there Sarah's parents could pick her up. And Sarah was fine with this and so we're we. Then that night i sent out a txt explaining what the plan was. And everyone who was coming was fine with it and happy with what we'd decided.
Next morning Sarah txted Lauren saying that her mum can drop her off at St Luke's Mall for the early showing of HSM3 at 10.00am, which we had already agreed was way too early. And I'd already told everyone we were going to the later one. But Sarah felt that we should change all our plans just so she could come.
But I didn't want to change our plans because they were perfect everyone got to do what they wanted, such as go shopping, eat dinner and see the movie without having to rushing and we'd made it so that Sarah would have enough time to get home. But she wasn't happy unless we went to St Luke's at 10.00pm. No one else wanted to though so she decided she wasn't coming. I think she hopes to try guilt us into saying we'll get up early (impossible i no!) and see the 10.00am showing. But its impossible to get up early on holiday, no one gets up early, especially if they don't have to! Just because shes completely insane and gets up at 8am every day, doesn't mean everyone else does. The only reason she can get up so early is because she goes to bed at 7pm at night! Like shes still 8 year old or something. Everyone knows that you never go to bed before 10pm at least, in the holidays. Oh but its alright she gets to stay up "late" on Wednesdays so that she can watch Heroes and have something to annoy me and Michael about the next day. I hardly think 9.30pm is late though! Shes not even a fan of Sci-Fi and she only watches Heroes so that Michael will txt her. She always copies everyone else so that she can get ahead but don't worry "Sarah" you wont be ahead for long...Everything catches up with you eventually, especially when you do bad things to get there, doesn't she watch movies??? Oh yeah that's right she doesnt, shes only allowed to watch PG movies, shes not even allowed to watch Harry Potter! I guess she really is 8 or her parents think she is anyway! No shes not 8 shes 15 almost 16! I mean who cant watch Harry Potter!!! Harry Potter is the coolest! Ok maybe not the movies but the books are awesome, shes really missing out on life if she only ever watches PG movies. I know that movies aren't real but they have messages and can teach people about how life could be!
She says that anyone who watches "Borat" is disgusting and has "passed over to the dark side." LOL i guess that's me then, yeah I'm really bad because i sat on my couch and watched a movie! She has no clue and yet she makes judgements about everything and everyone! Especially if your not Christian, she gives you lectures about how you'll go to hell if you don't "give yourself to god." It doesn't really matter to me anyway and it just annoys me when she does that.
Anyway I'm really hungry so I'm gonna get some food! LOL
Updates available soon..xx

1 comment:

nikki♥♥ said...

i hate her so much right now! the whole changing of the plans thing! i mean wth?
and im christian, well im catholic, and i dnt go around telling people theyre gonna go to hell. i mean i reckon some non christians are better than christians, the way theyre living their lives i mean.