Sunday, December 14, 2008


I am so bored I'm gonna write a blog about being bored! You may even fall asleep reading this post! In fact don't even read this post its not even worth reading, its just me ranting on and on about nothing, most likely about resident evil because that's what I'm obsessed with at the moment :) So yea if u read it and fall asleep its not my fault because i did warn you!
Now I've run out of things to say so I'm just gonna talk about know the one I'm like in LOVE with! (Resident Evil Code: Veronica X) Well at the moment I'm playing the game, even though its kind of a waste of time seeing as Ive pretty much looked up almost every video on YouTube with Steve Burnside in it, but still its nice to see things for yourself.
In the game you play as this chick called Claire Redfield whose looking for her brother Chris Redfield, I don't know much about Chris but Claire is pretty cool. Shes kind of like Ada but personally I think Ada is cooler, Claire is ALOT nicer and less mysterious though, which could be either a good or bad thing.
So you play as Claire for the first part of the game, later I think you change characters to Chris but I haven't got that far. At the moment, I dunno exactly how far I am because I'm trying to finish the game on my own without cheating or looking at a walk through. I've seen Steve a few times but hes being kind of an asshole ATM, I'm sure he'll grow out of it soon though. I think maybe the whole being an asshole and acting tough and everything is just to cover up how sensitive and sweet he really is. Which most guys do BTW. Anyway so I'm Claire and Steve kind of partners up with her for a part of the game until they both fall down this hole and find Steve's dad who has turned into a zombie and almost tries to kill Claire but before he does Steve shoots him and kills his own zombie father to save her...*sign* then he cries and stuff and its quite sad, Claire comforts him and then tells him to "take a rest." This is where Claire then ventures off on her own again, stupid move if u ask me! Steve is super cool with his automatic TMP's (type of gun) he has 2 *sign* i have to say he is SO sexy when he uses them :D And yes I do know hes not a real person, a girl can dream cant she...?
So now Claire is on her own fighting off hordes of zombies and other REALLY nasty creatures! Which are UBER scary! But I most go on and find Steve! I am motivated by the desire to find him! I will play this game till the very end no matter what comes at me because, although i don't want to see Steve die I do want to see him live and fall in love with Claire! So i will go on!
Omg! My dad just made me this horrible dinner! Which he calls his "special recipe" and thinks is soup but really its just all the orange coloured food in our fridge cooked and mushed together to make this thick, horrid, orange sludge! Excuse me while I puck it out! (not in the bulimic "pucking everything you eat" kind of way, but the "I'd rather be sick then eat this orange slop!"kind of way) Anyway GTG, update coming soon...

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