Saturday, December 6, 2008


Ok so I am finally doing this whole "tagged" thing. Happy now Nicole???? LOL

1. Do you think you're hot?
No, not really LOL
2. Upload a favourite picture of yourself.
Ummm, thats kind of impossible seeing as I hate all pictures of myself because i either look retarded or drugged and i have no favourite drugged/retarded pictures of myself so no i dont think i will.
3. Do you like the picture?
Well seeing as there is no picture I'd have to say, yes! :)
4. When was the last time you had pizza?
Umm probably last month, i know Ive had it recently but i forgot the exact date :)
5. What was the last song you listened to?
"Cry" by Mandy Moore, I'm listening to it right now :D
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Listening to "Cry" by Mandy Moore...didn't i just say that.
7. What name do u prefer besides your name?
LEE!!! Not banana or banape or lemon or grape!!!
8. 5 people i tagged.
Well seeing as i have only one blogspot friend i cant really tagged more people then her :) but ill just make some people up...So theres Nicole (Real person), Sarah, Gemma, Kirsty and Jenna (non-real people)
9. Who is number 1?
Um well if my eye-sight isnt failing me then Nicole!
10. Who is number 3 having a relationship with?
Seeing as number 3 isnt a real person I'd have to say no one
11. Say something about number 5.
Oh Jenna...she not real! Hows about that??? :P
12. How about number 4.
Number Fours name is Kirsty.. is that good enough ???
13. Who is buddy number 2?
Sarah, another non-real/made-up person :D

Hey and i guess ive finished that wasnt so bad :)

1 comment:

nikki♥♥ said...

woman. when they say,whose numbr 1 and etc, youre meant to write something about them lol. not go all, "its nicole" haha
but yes im happy u finished it FINALLY. tho you SHOULDVE UPLOADED A PICTURE OF YOURSELF!